- Buy invites / BrokenStones - is the best private torrent tracker focused on Apple theme which also called "Stones". On this tracker you can find almost everything concerning the famous brand and get access to all content from Mac category. As a result, BrokenStones is the best place for iPhone, iPad and Mac users. Naturally, the tracker has a big following and already about 15 thousand registered users with more than 25K uploaded torrents. It is a really good community with suitable and useful content taking into account the narrow focus of the site.

It is quite easy to keep rating on Brokenstones in view of several advantages. A great deal of torrents from freeleech (Gold) category is uploaded daily. You can get them almost immediately after uploading by using the seedbox server. Users have the possibility to receive bonus freeleech tokens that can be used at their choice. You can upload your own content but before read carefully the upload rules, and pay attention to forbidden uploads, formatting procedures, etc. When donating you receive additional quantity of GB for downloading depending on the amount.

One of the BrokenStones tracker advantage is its thematic forums that have no analogue in any other place. The users are very active and you can swiftly get any help concerning Apple theme. It goes without saying that this resource is an excellent tracker, and probably the best one so far as concerns Apple Macintosh products. No wonder it is rather difficult and expensive to get an invite to Brokenstones. In any way, purchasing an invite will be quickly compensated as you will learn many new things with BrokenStones tracker for using your favorite Apple devices.

Price: $150.00
LiteCoin (LTC):

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